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Herb Resources for BAP Patients

BAP offers high quality herbs and supplements directly through our online suppliers, Fullscript and Acu-Market.

Check out the "Formula Uses & Descriptions" below to learn more. If you're new to BAP, or aren't sure what to take please schedule an in-person appointment to find out what's best for you.

Herbs and supplement example products

Chinese Herb Formulas and Brands

In Chinese herbal medicine we use "formulas". These are recipes which include multiple herbs that work synergistically. These recipes, or formulas, are sometimes centuries old and many brands make the same formula, sometimes modifying them with additional herbs. The companies we recommend employ rigorous quality testing and demonstrate transparency in their sourcing practices and testing procedures. We don't recommend any herbs we wouldn't take ourselves or give to our families!


What should I take?

With the exception of the Blossom Formulas for fertility, the following products have no contraindications (please read the Blossom descriptions carefully). However, there are still subtleties, so read the description of each to make sure it's the right one for you and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about a formula. If you're interested in herbs, but aren't sure what to take, book an in-person acupuncture session. 



Herbal formulas have been safely used for centuries for symptoms but are not a "cure all" or a replacement for primary care from your doctor.

Herb Formulas and Supplements

We offer a few high quality Chinese herbal formulas as well as a variety of vitamins and supplements through the Fullscript online portal. Fullscript accepts HSA cards making it a great place to purchase your herbal prescription and supplement needs. Check out their catalogue and BAP recommendations by clicking the green button and setting up your account.

Herbs & Acupressure Supplies 

AcuMarket Supplier

Click the links below for a few of our favorite formulas many of you have been taking for years, plus at-home acupressure tools  to accompany your telehealth sessions.Click on the categories below to see what products are available for online purchase. 

Acupressure At Home: acupressure seeds and beads; kits for insomnia, anxiety, stress and more. Learn more about at-home acupressure HERE


Allergy Relief:

Bi yan wan (pian); Pe min kan wan


*Article from Michael Tierra of East West School of Planetary Herbology on allergies


Digestive Support:

Curing Pills, Bao He Wan


Immune Support:

Gan mao ling jie du wan; Yin qiao san; Jade Windscreen/Yu ping feng san; Power Mushrooms (Health Concerns); Elderberry Syrup; Ban Lan Gen tea for sore throat


Stress, Anxiety, & Sleep Support:

Xiao yao san/Jia wei xiao yao san (aka , Easy Rambler/Free & Easy Wanderer), Gan mai da zao wan; Suan zao ren tang; Stress & Anxiety Ear Seed Kits


Topical Pain Relief:

Pain Terminator Patches, Wu Yang Pain Patches, Zheng Gu Shui Linament


Blue Poppy Herb Formulas for Perimenopause & Menopause:   

Change & Enrich,  Supplement Yin, Ultimate Immortals

Acu-pressure supplies
Formula Uses &Descriptions
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